This run is great for learning how to properly roll. This is a challenge run that will teach you valuable skills for future challenge runs.
That’s kind of a shame, but here are some great and interesting ways to make Dark Souls Remastered more challenging and fun for yourself. We even received an awesome mod just recently which gives you interesting debuffs for every boss you defeat. Some of the best challenge runs are no longer available if you haven’t already got the Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition on PC, because they come from mods. No more Drake Sword making the early game easy In Dark Souls, challenge runs are a great way to feel like you’re rediscovering the game all over again. With some choice limitations, you can create some very interesting theorycrafting problems to solve. Much like the original, Dark Souls Remastered is entirely breakable - in all the right ways. The usual media narrative of “ha ha it’s so brutally hard” doesn’t ring true to those who’ve learned its systems. This won’t come as a shock to any Souls veteran, but Dark Souls Remastered gets easy after you put enough hours into it.